UV Curing – Conformal Coatings: Incure Ultra-Illumina™ 3561

  • Post last modified:August 27, 2024

Revolutionize Your PCB Assembly with Superior Conformal Coating

Are you seeking a conformal coating solution that combines exceptional protection with advanced inspection capabilities? Incure Ultra-Illumina™ 3561 offers the perfect balance. This cutting-edge product delivers robust protection for your PCBs while streamlining quality control processes.

Key Benefits of Incure Ultra-Illumina™ 3561

  • UL Compliance: Ensures safety and reliability in your products.
  • 100% Solids: Environmentally friendly and eliminates clogging issues.
  • High-Volume Spray Compatibility: Ideal for efficient mass production.
  • Hard and Resilient Coating: Protects against harsh environments and mechanical stress.
  • Moisture Barrier: Safeguards your PCBs from damaging humidity.
  • Excellent Adhesion: Ensures long-lasting protection.
  • Permanent Fluorescing Properties: Enables quick and easy inspection of coating coverage.

Elevate Your PCB Protection and Inspection

Incure Ultra-Illumina™ 3561 empowers you to:

  • Enhance product reliability: Protect your PCBs from moisture, contaminants, and thermal shock.
  • Optimize production efficiency: Benefit from high-volume compatibility and reduced downtime.
  • Improve quality control: Quickly and accurately inspect coating coverage with fluorescent technology.
  • Contribute to a greener future: Utilize an environmentally friendly, 100% solids formula.


Incure Ultra-Illumina™ 3561 is more than just a conformal coating; it’s a strategic investment in the protection and performance of your PCB assemblies. Experience the difference a superior product with advanced inspection capabilities can make.

Ready to elevate your PCB protection? Contact us today to learn more about Incure Ultra-Illumina™ 3561 and how it can benefit your business.

Searching for high-quality UV-curing conformal coatings? Our wide selection offers the perfect solution for your needs. Shop now or visit www.incurelab.com for more products available.